
zauberberg, sertigtal bei davos, acrylic on canvas, 100 x 120, 2023 (3088), sold

Zau­ber­berg – Ser­tig­tal bei Davos, Acryl auf Lein­wand 100x120cm, 2023

«Mit seli­gen Nüstern atme ich wie­der Ber­ges-Frei­heit!»*
Gior­gio Avan­ti, der «Kolo­rist der Alpen», lädt wäh­rend der dies­jäh­ri­gen Werk­schau dazu ein, sich vom Reiz und der Magie sei­ner Berg­wel­ten ver­zau­bern zu las­sen. Ein in Far­be getauch­ter Zau­ber, der Sehnsüchte weckt, Blicke öff­net und aus den Betrach­ten­den Grat­wan­de­rer oder gar Gipfelstürmerinnen macht.

«Und als er auf die Höhe des Bergrückens kam, sie­he, da lag das ande­re Meer vor ihm aus­ge­brei­tet: und er stand still und schwieg lan­ge.»*

*Fried­rich Nietz­sche, Also sprach Zara­thu­stra, 3. Teil, Die Heim­kehr / Der Wan­de­rer

Ama­lia Măciucă’s intro­duc­ti­ve speech at the ope­ning of Gior­gio Avanti‘s exhi­bi­ti­on
Gale­rie Mull­er, Lucer­ne, 26.08.2023

Gior­gio Avan­ti born in 1946 has car­ved a niche in the art world for hims­elf through the uni­que usa­ge of colors and his emble­ma­tic motifs from his pic­tures.

Sin­ce he was young his skills in dra­wing and pain­ting were quite noti­ceable but at that time he cho­se to pur­sue a dif­fe­rent care­er path which is that of a lawy­er. Howe­ver, Desti­ny had dif­fe­rent plans for him as he later mar­ried his Wife Mari­an­ne Eigen­heer and found hims­elf invol­ved in the swiss art sce­ne and in the com­mu­ni­ty of artists. Being inspi­red by his wife and the artists he col­la­bo­ra­ted with, Avan­ti embark­ed on a new artis­tic jour­ney. His pas­si­on for vibrant colors has beco­me throug­hout the years a defi­ning fea­ture of his pic­tures.

In dif­fe­rent stages of his care­er, Avan­ti has explo­red various the­mes such as por­traits, street sce­nes, depic­tions of ani­mals, and his most recent ones that you can admi­re here today: swiss moun­ta­ins. The­se moun­ta­ins are pain­ted in an unex­pec­ted and unusu­al light crea­ting a ser­e­ne atmo­sphe­re which pro­ves the artist’s under­stan­ding of a landscape’s essence.
The choice of colors is not ran­dom is not arbi­tra­ry it is a deli­be­ra­te act of medi­ta­ti­on and explo­ra­ti­on for self-expres­si­on. His pain­tings are a jour­ney explo­ring the essence of natu­re through vibrant colours and mastery of light, vibrant colours from which blue is the domi­nant one crea­ting this realm of calm­ness and sere­ni­ty for the audi­ence.
Gior­gio Avan­ti has also writ­ten poems and short sto­ries for a cou­ple of years and he descri­bed this acti­vi­ty as ‘pain­ting with words, while the pic­tures we admi­re here today are pain­ted poems. He found inspi­ra­ti­on in the famous Swiss artist Fer­di­nand Hod­ler. His moun­ta­ins diver­ge from a rea­li­stic con­text but they have a more pro­found and vibrant light.

His artis­tic jour­ney is a com­mit­ment to explo­ring life through color, sym­bo­lism and nar­ra­ti­ve crea­ting a sen­se of won­der for the audi­ence invi­ting the view­er to embark on this visu­al odys­sey that is both poe­tic and enligh­tening.

Thanks to Ama­lia Măciucă, pain­ter and visu­al artist, Lucer­ne

Aus­stel­lung in der Gale­rie Mül­ler, Luzern
26. August bis 28. Okto­ber 2023

Gale­rie Müller
Hal­den­stras­se 7
CH-6006 Luzern
+41 41 410 75 74